about me

hi i’m crystal

hearing about the horrors many experience around sex day in and day out, i could not help but think about the many who do not have access to support through professional counseling. and because outreach has always been my first dream (as a young woman I saw myself in a vision handing out roses outside of a strip club), i asked God to make a way, and that He did.
i was linked with a missionary organization that fights human trafficking by going into strip clubs, brothels, and “red light districts” with smiles, gifts, friendship, and resources. our goal is simply to let anyone we encounter know that they are graciously seen, and that we who long to know them are being sent by the One who loves them most.

morsels of chocolate

Hours Napping

Plant babies

Cups of Coffee

my skills

i’m a one on the enneagram, definitely type A, and a Myers Briggs ISTJ personality. if you know anything about any of these, you’re aware i have a knack for trying to control every outcome and taking myself way too seriously. even still, i’m proudest of myself for developing in the skill that is vulnerability. simply opening my heart to Love in the face of fear.

i have served in the helping profession for over 10 years, likely because i’ve experienced enough in life to know the value of this work. i even believe my jobs outside of this field have cultivated the character, tenacity, competence and compassion that makes me great at showing up fully as i am giving my very best to what i get to do.

  • listening intently
  • dreaming wildly
  • encouraging sincerely
  • laughing & crying simultaneously
“she opened wide her heart, and her voice cracked the skies” – Crystal Williams

hello again! we should connect!